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An accomplished and charismatic entrepreneurial leader, establishing, ​building, and managing companies within fiercely competitive ​industries. Demonstrates exceptional skills in directing enterprise ​evolution, driving continuous performance improvement, and fostering ​organizational growth.

With a family military background, I bring discipline, structure, and ​organizational prowess to every endeavor. As a perfectionist and natural ​leader, I am well-equipped to lead and thrive in ultra-competitive ​environments. Beyond professional pursuits, I have a keen interest in ​maintaining fitness and in rugby, where I have sponsored players from ​the English and Scottish national teams. Standing at 6′ 6″, I am divorced ​and a proud father of two sons. Additionally, I hold qualifications as a ​helicopter pilot.

Beyond my professional and sports pursuits, I am passionate about ​design and architecture. Notably, I once commissioned Quinlan Terry to ​design a country house, reflecting my commitment to aesthetic ​excellence and innovative design concepts.


My professional journey spans diverse roles as a successful businessman, accomplished futures trader, and collaborative ​Business Enterprise Partner. These experiences have equipped me with a unique skill set, blending entrepreneurial vision, ​financial expertise, and collaborative prowess to thrive in dynamic and challenging business environments.


Visionary leader driving the evolution of a home garage startup into a thriving multi-million-pound enterprise. ​Orchestrated the transition from a single employee to a workforce of 300, overseeing all operational roles from the shop ​floor to strategic boardroom decisions. A beacon of inspiration, leading by example to empower, motivate, and foster a ​culture of excellence.

Futures Trader

Proven professional with unwavering discipline, equipped with comprehensive expertise in fundamental and technical ​analysis, business analysis, foreign exchange markets, fixed-income derivatives, and global economics. Demonstrates ​robust analytical, communication, and interpersonal skills. Possesses the physical and mental stamina to navigate high-​pressure situations, maintaining alertness and making decisive decisions with precision.

Enterprise Partner

Strategic collaborator specializing in propelling enterprises to their full potential. Dedicated to delivering substantial value ​to shareholders through a foundation of trust, open dialogue, and shared inspiration. Offers diverse perspectives, explores ​innovative options, and adeptly identifies priorities for action. Balances long-term strategic planning with hands-on ​problem-solving, contributing to both the visionary growth and day-to-day operational efficiency of partner enterprises.








Robust skills in communication, motivation, and interpersonal relations. The ability to effectively link business issues, financial results, and strategic initiatives creates a sense of ownership, understanding, and a collective drive to succeed throughout the organization, spanning all levels. This comprehensive approach ensures alignment across various aspects of the business, fostering a shared commitment to success and a cohesive organizational culture.

Extensive experience in commercial development, coupled ​with initiative and the ability to focus on opportunities and ​solutions. Demonstrates strategic leadership and employs ​strategies to surpass competition. Possesses a clear ​commercial focus with a keen eye for detail. Proficient in ​implementing and controlling demand targets to enhance ​market share, profit margins, and customer satisfaction.

Possesses the ability and vision to think outside the box, developing and implementing strategies that combine strategic management with operational understanding and ability. Demonstrates broad experience in developing and implementing short- to long-range objectives and strategies to achieve business goals.







Robust coaching and supportive leadership style, coupled with the ability to drive performance to achieve objectives. Proficient in inspiring and leading a team of professionals, effecting change, and improving quality, revenues, and profitability. Skilled in identifying, developing, and motivating employees to feel integral to the business, instilling passion and ownership. Capable of effectively recognizing and managing conflict and risk.

Solid understanding of the manufacturing environment and production with hands-on experience. Strong process and operational expertise, capable of embedding a culture of continuous improvement. Proficient in managing multi-site operations, particularly with bespoke fast-moving products. Well-versed in world-class lean manufacturing techniques, as well as logistics fleet and distribution.

Commercially aware and financially astute, with full responsibility for P&L, cash flow management, budgets, and forecasts. Demonstrates solid financial acumen, understanding, and cost control capabilities. Proficient in investment, UK and foreign affairs, and economics.


















City Institution






Advisory service




I transformed a garage-based startup into an industry-leading multi-​million-pound manufacturing company, evolving from a modest ​home workshop to a state-of-the-art, automated 80,000 sq ft facility. ​The workforce expanded from a solitary employee to a robust team of ​300 individuals.

Since the inception of my company, I have actively engaged in every ​facet of its operations, assuming roles from the shop floor to the ​boardroom. Through personal investment, I acquired the skills ​necessary to navigate efficiently and cost-effectively from point A to B. ​My leadership approach involves setting an example, instilling ​motivation in employees, fostering a sense of integral participation, and ​cultivating passion, pride, and ownership.

Our core business involves the production of fully customized building ​products, namely uPVC Windows, Doors, and Conservatories, tailored ​to any size, color, or specification. These products were efficiently ​delivered nationwide within 5 working days from the receipt of an ​order. I have spearheaded the development and implementation of a ​robust infrastructure, organization, systems, and logistics to ensure the ​delivery of a quality, competitive, and distinctive product coupled with ​exceptional customer service.










In one of the most fiercely competitive industries, where every competitor offered similar products and employed ​extreme tactics to secure sales, our approach was unconventional. We broke away from the norm, thinking outside the ​box to distinguish my company and products.

My strategy involved implementing an automated plant, achieving remarkable efficiency in reducing both direct labor ​costs and material wastage. Additionally, we designed unique component hardware that underwent rigorous BSI ​testing and approval. To provide customers with added confidence, we introduced a breakthrough guarantee, offering ​£1500 cash back, 10% saving in house insurance and insured the risk through Lloyd's of London.

Setting a new standard for service, we committed to a 5-day delivery turnaround, surpassing the industry norm of 15 days. ​Furthermore, we developed proprietary in-house IT software, eliminating the need for order processors and quotation ​personnel. Clients now have access to full P&L software and direct online ordering, fostering increased customer loyalty.

We emerged at the forefront of the industry leaving competitors struggling to keep up. Our success was underpinned ​by BSI-certified quality manufacturing and unparalleled customer service.



  • uPVC Windows, Doors, Conservatories.

  • Fully Bespoke Client Specification.

  • 350 Residential properties per week

  • 4,500 products per week.







  • 22 Vehicles’ prestigious logistics fleet.

  • Nationwide next-day delivery.

  • 1st in the UK to introduce, live vehicle tracking.

  • 10 Vehicles Prestigious Sales Fleet.

  • Lean Six Sigma” & “World Class” Manufacturing.

  • “Kaban” Reduced number of suppliers, material costs by 8%.

  • “BSI” Manufacturing systems & accredited product range.




it systems

  • 80 000 sq ft modern plant.

  • £ Multi-million automated CNC manufacturing plant facility.

  • 22 Products per production employee (Industry average 16).

  • Reduced Direct labor costs from 14% to 10%.

  • Professional and highly motivated management team.

  • In-house IT development, sales & and marketing teams.

  • Professional external sales team.





  • In-House Developed IT Systems

  • Real-time Certified P&L management, sales, purchasing, and costs.

  • Real-time KPIs, performance variance.

  • Client direct online ordering into manufacturing with full order tracking.

  • Client on-site quotations, invoicing, personal P&L management systems.



  • 5 Working day nationwide delivery (Industry average 15).

  • £1,500 Cash Back “Break In” unique guarantee.

  • 10% Reduction in home insurance premiums.

  • Company loyalty membership scheme.

  • Client Direct online ordering, tracking, and financial P&L software.
  • China (Ningbo) Sourced/Structured direct trading supply agreement.

  • Designed unique component hardware, saving 15% on UK costs.

  • Structured multi-business bulk purchase power supply deals.
  • Quality Brand concept.

  • Professional Brand association.

  • “Safe & Secure” Marketing campaign, unique cash back guarantee.

  • BSI Accredited Bespoke Product Range.

  • Bespoke client retail associate marketing.




My business career began by accident. Initially, I studied design and architecture. However, during a summer vacation, I worked within a small double-glazing ​business and immediately recognized the potential for profit and growth within a rapidly expanding industry.

I decided to take time out to learn the business, quickly progressing from making windows to on-site fitting and eventually managing the company. I then moved on ​to a national company as a production manager within three months of becoming the operations director. I had always believed that people in business were of a ​superior caliber. However, it became apparent that many had no idea about making money despite their naivety, limiting their growth. I knew I could do better and ​decided to go into the B2B supply window business.

I gave notice to my employer, having no money and unable to obtain a bank loan. I sold my car, bought a pickup truck, a single saw, a bench, and a crimping ​machine, and entered the window business. Setting up in my garage, I had to wait for my neighbors to leave for work before I could turn on the noisy saw and ​constantly made excuses to my customers about why it was not convenient to visit my (non-existent) factory!

Within six months, I accumulated enough money to buy out a friend's small uPVC window manufacturing business. It was a tiny 800 sq ft factory unit with basic ​machinery and a water tank as my desk. The space was so small that stock and products had to be taken out each day to provide space for the day's manufacture. I ​continued to manufacture my friend's window requirements. However, he subsequently did not pay and almost broke my new business within the first nine ​months. I learned my first and most important lesson – do not trust anyone in business!

My first employee was sacked regularly, marking a learning process for both of us. I was first in and last out, monitoring and checking his timekeeping. Material for ​manufacturing comes in 6-meter lengths, and when it's your money, you become very adept at optimizing the best cut for minimal waste. You soon learn that any ​company is only as good as its employees and implements effective KPIs in which they can associate, measure, perform, and deliver.

Within the next two years, the business grew considerably, and I used the opportunity to relocate into larger leased purchased industrial units, creating the start of a ​commercial property portfolio. In subsequent years, the business expanded again and again into further commercial properties.

As the market consolidated and margins reduced, it was apparent that to compete, you had to be extremely good, and efficient, and become a major manufacturer. ​This was getting larger to the detriment of smaller companies that could not compete, similar to comparisons in Premiership football. I set out to obtain a new

stadium (plant) and the best players (managers, staff). Multi-site operations could not compete with a large single operational base but served the purpose of creating ​a commercial portfolio. I merged all operations into a single 80,000 modern plant, invested in the latest, most advanced CNC machinery commissioned in Germany ​to meet our requirements, and set out to recruit the best team. I had gone from a single employee and his reliance on optimum cutting on just a single saw, ​producing 25 products per week to 250 employees and saws automatically optimizing to 0.01% wastage with direct online ordering into manufacture, a plant ​capable of producing 5,000 bespoke products per week.

Despite having the most advanced machinery, the manufacturer is still reliant on employees and subsequently subject to human error. Having worked in every role ​within every operation within my company, I often proved the job could be done, much to the amazement of the employees, and set agreed time and motion, and ​accepted quality levels. On one occasion to enable the employees to have a clear understanding of the wastage being regularly occurred. The equivalent monthly ​amount – £25,000 in cash – was placed in a sealed clear perspex box within the works canteen monitored by CCTV. Every time manual error wastage occurred, the ​equivalent monetary value was removed from the box and any money left in the box at the end of the month would be shared between employees. Within 3 ​months, wastage had reduced by 60%!

Minimizing human error to maximize profitability, world-class manufacturing, and KPIs were implemented into every operation at every level to enable a clear ​understanding of the operation, expectations, and measurement of performance. With good timekeeping essential to production, all employees were issued "ski lift" ​type passes, which monitored timekeeping linked directly to accounts and their salaries. Employees receive an attendance bonus with deductions for poor ​attendance and timekeeping.

Similar efficiency and accountability were implemented inside the offices and outside the building. Implemented a clean desk policy, with a place for everything ​enabling relocation of staff into different roles, and strived for a paperless office. Direct online ordering into manufacturing, eliminating in-house manual order entry ​and associated mistakes. One of the first companies in the UK to implement real-time vehicle performance tracking systems into the logistics fleet and sales ​representative cars, reducing man-hours and fuel operating costs. All vehicles were high spec prestigious Mercedes, cleaned daily with uniformed drivers with an ​emphasis on a quality brand and the image in which customers wish to be associated.

Getting paid is essential to any business. However many look for any excuse – try scams to avoid paying, and no more prudent than within the double glazing ​industry. All manufactured products were bespoke to the client's specification, therefore they were of no use other than to the client who ordered them. All efforts ​were made to verify the creditworthiness. However – Never judge a book by its cover! Our drivers receive bonuses on the basis that payment is collected in line with ​the client's agreement. No payment, no goods! Cheques had to be signed and dated correctly before goods were unloaded.

To improve margins, I traveled with my team to Ningbo, a manufacturing region in central China, and formulated, and structured manufacturing, and supply ​agreements for the hardware used within our products, saving 15% on UK costs. China's trade is not straightforward, being family business orientated. They are also ​very good at replicating but tend to cut costs to the detriment of long-term quality without informing you! With a ten-year guarantee offered on our products, it was ​essential UK quality personnel were installed in China to maintain BSI standards.

To distinguish our products from our competitors, we formulated a unique within the industry "Safe & Secure" branded marketing strategy. If any of our products ​were broken into, we offered a £1,500 Cash Back "Break In" guarantee, warranted for 10 years. Our product went through strict testing to meet BSI requirements and ​to meet insurance criteria to adhere to the guarantee. In addition, the homeowner received a 10% reduction in home insurance premiums.

We offered a 5 working day delivery with the industry average being 10-15 working days. Therefore, a client can order a fully bespoke product on Monday and have ​it delivered anywhere in the UK on Friday. To provide this level of service, a highly organized, efficient infrastructure had to be implemented as every product was ​different in design, dimension, color, and specification. Likewise, the infrastructure had to be performed in line with the received order levels. The factory runs day ​and night shifts, the delivery time could not be compromised, as clients programmed installation in line with scheduled delivery. Overcapacity resulted in ​additional costs, and undercapacity resulted in loss of business.

To perform under extremely fast, cost-effective deadlines, maintain cash flow, and organize stock and staff, we had to have good systems. I recruited an in-house IT ​software development team in which we developed industry-leading management and production software. A real-time profit & and loss linked via a database ​to all operations. It was not reliant on an accountant, but in real-time, as soon as a purchase order was placed or a product signed for upon delivery, the P&L was ​updated. A live system that also compared against agreed budgets provided variance reporting. Systems were applied to all manufacturing, office, and logistics ​processes. In conjunction supplied to our clients under license, a version of our developed software with preloaded product designs, pricing, online ordering facility. ​This enabled clients to fully individual profit & and loss and management accounting, on-site quotations, ordering, and invoicing to their clients. The software ​provides fast, easy, cost-saving operations for the client and loyalty to our company.

I could never envisage when first starting out employing someone to look after other people, people who physically do not make anything! Building an ​infrastructure, recruiting a highly motivated management team, and developing production and management systems to deliver, takes time and is not easy ​while having to maintain cash flow. The business has to operate but cannot grow without implementation. Recruiting the right people is also a difficult process, ​many appear highly qualified on paper, but lack business common sense, and an inner sense of efficiency. I have recruited and interviewed many staff from the ​shop floor to £100k plus directors, but of all the personnel interviewed one guy stood out. In my early days, I advertised for a fully experienced glazier, emphasizing ​within the ad, that only experienced need apply! When interviewing this young guy, I asked what experience he had, he replied none! but provide me the ​opportunity, and I will be your best glazier by the end of the week. He lived up to his word! – Passion, and determination, are the ultimate qualifications!

I experienced competitors planting staff into my business, following my delivery vehicles and even attempting sabotage to obtain our customers. We had to ​perform every time and to relate to all staff I often compared running a business to that of a restaurant. "You are only as good as your last meal. If you are ​recommended to a restaurant, you may accept one bad meal, and go back for a second, but never a third if you experience the same!" Never take customers for ​granted!

The start of the global recession in 2008/9 was unprecedented and resulted in the demise of the building industry virtually overnight. Builders stopped building, ​sites were left unfinished, and development halted. As a UK leading independent manufacturer and supplier to major builders, my business was directly affected ​by having 200 PAYE employees and a substantial plant. Despite trying to maintain a reduced structure and company at considerable personal expense for an ​extended period, it was apparent the recession was more severe than anyone envisaged. Together with a very expensive divorce, it was not viable to continue and ​left with no alternative but to close the business.

After building a company for over 20 years, within a ruthless industry under extreme competition, constantly experiencing everything business could throw at you ​to try to prevent you from reaching your goals (in which I could write a book) becoming an industry-leading company, and being offered a substantial sum for the ​sale 2 years before foreclosure, proved an invaluable business experience.






(New York Mercantile Exchange)


(Chicargo Mercantile Exchange)


City Institution



Trading across global asset classes through unprecedented ​market activity, from the Credit Crunch to the Euro-zone ​debt crisis, is now within an era of ultra-loose monetary policy.

Able to capitalize on identified trading opportunities in global ​stocks, currencies, bonds, and commodities futures markets. ​An adaptable and results-driven trader with a proven track ​record of success in navigating complex and dynamic ​market conditions.




Possessing robust analytical, communication, and interpersonal skills, I excel in high-pressure environments, ​demonstrating physical and mental stamina alongside sharp alertness and decisiveness. My expertise lies in performing ​continual data analytics to optimize diverse components of strategic frameworks, and actively managing risks associated ​with size, diversification, and correlations.

Frequently conducting deviation, regression, and correlation tests, I leverage statistical analyses to craft profitable trading ​strategies. With a keen understanding of market trends, risk/reward dynamics, and technical analysis, I continuously ​research and develop innovative trading strategies to adapt to changing market conditions.

My approach involves utilizing volume analysis, statistical indicators, and a comprehensive knowledge of market behavior ​to inform trade decisions. I conduct continuous market analysis on both broad U.S. and international markets, identifying ​daily drivers and formulating and evaluating trading strategy hypotheses through statistical backtracking.

In fast-paced trading scenarios, I execute split-second decisions based on chart patterns, order flow on the inside market, ​and the momentum of price movement. Additionally, I create and customize analytical studies to enhance market ​understanding and optimize trading signals, showcasing a holistic approach to managing market complexities.

e n t e r p r i s e p a r t n e r





Psychological Mastery

Leveraging guidance from a renowned sports psychologist, I honed my mental resilience, discipline, and decision-making skills crucial ​for success in the trading arena.

Accreditation Levels 5 & 6

Earning accreditation from the London Institute of Banking & Finance validated my comprehensive knowledge in Fundamental and ​Technical Analysis, Organization, Strategy, and Investment—a testament to my commitment to continuous learning and professional ​development.

Exceptional Annual ROI

Applying my expertise, I consistently achieved an annual return on investment exceeding 30%. This performance underscores my ability ​to navigate volatile markets, make informed decisions, and deliver sustained financial success.

Transition to Personal Trading

Commencing by managing an institutional fund, I transitioned to my own fund, assuming full accountability for high-stakes decisions ​with substantial financial implications. This transition demonstrates not only my proficiency but also my confidence in managing ​financial portfolios independently.




After a dynamic career in manufacturing, where success relied on a robust infrastructure and organizational prowess but was ​susceptible to volatile market conditions, I sought a new trajectory that would enable me to leverage market movements—an area that ​has always captivated and intrigued me. This decision led me to Amplify Trading, a professional trading institution in the heart of London, ​where I underwent comprehensive training as a Futures and Forex trader.

Accustomed to managing intense pressure and embracing risk, I initially underestimated the challenges of this new venture. Trading ​proved to be an entirely distinct experience, characterized by unpredictability, irrationality, and seemingly inexplicable market behaviors. ​Markets, for instance, would react inversely to news, rendering mastery of the trade seemingly elusive. Statistically, 99% of individuals ​entering the trading arena do not succeed, and my entrepreneurial background presented challenges due to impatience, a tendency ​to break rules, and an aversion to losses.

However, my competitive nature and unwavering determination intensified my resolve to succeed. A pivotal lesson I quickly learned ​was that successful trading necessitates self-awareness and mental conditioning to navigate situations lacking rational explanations. I ​recognized the importance of training my mind to make split-second decisions in the face of market unpredictability. Similar to Tiger ​Woods striving for a four-foot putt to achieve his goal, success in trading entails having control over emotions, especially under extreme ​pressure. The often-underestimated power of the mind makes the difference between success and failure.

Trading the markets is akin to embarking on a daily unpredictable adventure that continually provides learning opportunities. The ​ongoing process of broadening my outlook on global economies and understanding underlying issues has been instrumental. ​Acquiring knowledge and experience has provided a deeper understanding of international affairs, developing economies, and assets—​an insight crucial for informing business planning, strategy, and investment decisions.





Advice and support for continuous performance ​improvement. Its aim is to rapidly accelerate growth, ​assisting enterprises to grow to their full potential and ​deliver value to their shareholders.m.

Successfully deliver growth through vision and ​strategy, built on a foundation of trust, dialogue, and ​shared inspiration.

Continuous Performance


Advisory service





To address everyday challenges and problems effectively, the approach involves developing pragmatic ​and workable solutions. The initial step is to identify the key issues confronting the business, swiftly honing ​in on the essentials. This involves providing diverse perspectives, exploring various options, and discerning ​priorities for actionable steps.

While addressing immediate concerns is crucial, the strategy extends beyond firefighting the day-to-day. ​It encompasses a focus on longer-term planning and strategic initiatives. By balancing the need for ​immediate solutions with a forward-thinking mindset, the goal is to not only resolve current challenges ​but also fortify the business for sustained success. This comprehensive approach ensures that the ​solutions devised are not only practical for the present but also contribute to the organization's resilience ​and growth in the future.





Bring unique experiences of business which bear upon the multitude of issues a business leader will encounter. Help look at the “big picture” and help identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that may have been overlooked.



Offer guidance and share ideas during a growth phase. A successful, growing enterprise brings new challenges such as hiring new staff, raising new capital and entering new markets. Specific support, shared best practices, caution against potential pitfalls and instil confidence in business plans.



Motivate and be there to celebrate your successes. Making positive progress more quickly, taking the actions that matter can make a big difference to profitability. Business possibilities begin to open up, with time and energy better focused, striving for new opportunities becomes a reality.

Focusing energy, It is very easy to get side tracked running a enterprise, to make sure completion of high value priority work. Help develop skills and increase motivation.



Reducing the level of risk in making business decisions, exploring options becomes easier when having a enterprise partner that understands and shares concerns at the deepest levels. Stimulate new thinking and provide support in trying new ideas.



Challenge to go that extra mile to improve standards, develop skills and to go from good to outstanding!





A sounding board, to listen, stimulate and challenge thinking. Help develop ideas and arrive at solutions to enterprise challenges at a much faster rate. This alone will lead to better decision making.



Open to change, prepared to be challenged and take daily action towards success. Make time to meet and focus on delivering the agreed action plan to take consistent action towards goals.



Having an enterprise partner won’t automatically fix all business challenges, but will help assist in setting goals and milestones as well as making accountability for delivering on them.

Help to develop enterprise networks and clients within the industry, as well as other professionals.



Conducting a business analysis entails a thorough review of processes and objectives to identify opportunities for improvement and inform strategic decision-making. This focused evaluation aims to enhance efficiency and uncover areas for innovation, paving the way for sustainable growth.



As the business matures, the market evolves. To sustain growth beyond initial limits, planning and executing a strategy to enter new markets becomes crucial. Proactive expansion ensures resilience during market fluctuations and a competitive advantage.




Growing up in a family with a robust military background, where my father held the rank of Major in the army, I absorbed values ​of structure, discipline, and organization from an early age. These principles formed the foundation of my entrepreneurial ​journey. With a discerning eye for imperfections and untapped potential within infrastructure and organizations, I assumed the ​responsibility of making pivotal financial decisions for my business, consistently steering from point A to B with a focus on ​efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Throughout my business career, I was fortunate to benefit from the guidance of several mentors. Recognizing the importance ​of seeking insights beyond one's own perspective, I learned that collaborating with experienced professionals yields invaluable ​results. Confronting the myriad challenges posed by the business world, I honed my skills through a combination of experience, ​passion, drive, and unwavering determination.

An intriguing opportunity presented itself when I responded to an advertisement by Hamilton Bradshaw, an organization led ​by James Caan of the UK's Dragons Den fame, seeking exceptional business mentors. Following a meeting at James's London ​Mayfair offices, where I showcased my abilities, I was offered a partnership within a newly formed division of his organization. ​Despite the flattering offer, I chose to decline due to the high percentage cost associated with the partnership. Nevertheless, the ​recognition of my abilities by a prominent figure in the business world inspired me to leverage my expertise. Subsequently, I ​decided to offer my direct mentoring and coaching services, drawing on my wealth of experience. My mission evolved into ​assisting enterprises in developing, implementing, achieving, and growing to their full potential, thereby delivering significant ​value to shareholders. My journey is characterized by a commitment to excellence, a passion for growth, and a belief in the ​transformative power of strategic mentorship.

Failure is not an option!


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